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The 2024 Call for Authors is now closed!





Submissions from local Texas authors for the 2024 South Texas Book Festival (STBF) are open through Monday, July 1, 2024. Authors must reside in Texas.

The 2024 STBF is happening from Tuesday, October 29 - Saturday, November 2 at McAllen Public Library. Authors invited to participate will be featured in a panel or solo session. The Festival does not feature authors for book signings only.

Download a form here: 
STBF Call for Authors Application


Submit a Book


To be considered for this year’s Festival, please send or have your publicist send us the following:

  1. Two copies of a finished book.
    No electronic submissions. Books submitted won’t be returned and may be considered for inclusion in McAllen Public Library’s Local Authors Collection.

  2. 2024 STBF STBF Call for Authors Application.

  3. Mail these items to:

    McAllen Public Library
    ATTN: Kristina Garcia
    4001 N. 23rd Street
    McAllen, TX 78504
Meeting the criteria for consideration doesn't guarantee an invitation to participate in the Festival as an author.




Contact Kristina Garcia by email at kgarcia@mcallen.net.

What Type of Books Are Considered?


Submissions have to reach the widest possible audience and must be available in print format. Our main goal is to provide a diverse mix of literature in the following genres:

  • Fiction - All genres
  • Narrative Nonfiction - history, biography, etc.
  • Poetry
  • Children’s, YA, and new adult Literature
  • Cookbooks and food-related titles


When Should a Book Be Submitted?


We accept submissions through July 1st the same year as the Festival.

Should a Self-Published / Printed Author Submit?


Self-published titles will be considered if they meet the following criteria:

  • Title is bound
  • Printed copies can be available for our bookseller to sell
  • A functional author website exists
The consideration for self-published titles that meet the above criteria will be the same as professionally published books.


Who Decides on Invited Authors?


The STBF Committee is comprised of professional library staff who review the submissions and select who will be invited. Authors selected to participate will be notified by August 1st.


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